Static Stretching: When, Where, Why, and How, a comparison of effects.

Everyone has seen or heard of static stretching… the quad-stretch prior to a run in a movie, the group stretch in PE or on the soccer field. Although demonized for time and place, it can be beneficial if the effects are properly understood. Excuse us while we educate you and NERD OUT.

First let us chat about the PURPOSE of stretching. Ideally, a proper stretching routine will decrease stiffness, increase blood flow to muscles, improve flexibility, improve range of motion, and awaken neural responses all while preserving a length- tension relationship. What is a length tension relationship you ask? The muscle will produce the most force or power output when it acts like a spring. Too loose and the force and power will not be great enough to improve performance, too tight and there will not be enough stored energy to produce an increase in force or power as well. Muscles although simple, are quite complex! Knowing that you want that “just right” tension… here are some things to help you.

1)      Do not bounce when static stretching, allow your body to sink into the position and breathe slowly

2)      Do not force the position, if you force the stretch, you risk over-stretching or “pulling” the muscle.

3)      Stretching should not hurt, it should be felt and listened to accordingly.

Now let us give you the nerdy explanation!

Have you ever done these?

Even some yoga poses can be seen as static stretches as you hold one fixed position for a long period of time.

Stretching and inhibition can both be beneficial to an athlete preparing to increase range of motion and muscle length. Although similar goals, stretching an inhibition do work in different capacities to bring about a relaxed muscle able to perform at optimal length-tension relationships. Stretching is a technique used to improve flexibility in hopes of normalizing the extensibility of soft tissues and promote range of motion, joint health, and neuromuscular efficiency (McGill & Montel, 2019). This can involve active or passive means of lengthening the muscle and involve static or dynamic movements (McGill & Montel, 2019). Inhibition of a muscle involves using the agonist/antagonist relationship to relax or inhibit a tight muscle by performing a movement which is opposite of the tightness. Contracting the opposite muscle of a coupling forces a neuromuscular response of inhibition, thus relaxing and allowing for a lengthening of the muscle (McGill & Montel, 2019).

Physiological responses seen in muscles during stretching vary based on method, duration, intensity, and frequency. Behm et al. (2016) found that shorter durations of static stretching may be insignificant to tension or length but slightly improve jumping or sprinting, whereas longer durations may create impairments of performance by limiting musculotendinous unit response and decreasing torque production and power. However, it is possible that dynamic stretching in which each exercise is 90 seconds or more may have an improvement on power and peak force (Behm et al., 2016). When comparing static stretching to self-myofascial release (SMR) techniques, Fairall et al. (2017) observed increases in range of motion of the glenohumeral joint (shoulder) in athletes with glenohumeral internal rotation deficit when using static stretching alone or combined with SMR, rather than SMR solely. It was hypothesized that static stretching was better able to lengthen soft tissue of the joint and decrease muscle spindle activities while controlling pain threshold and pliability (Fairall et al., 2017).

Similarly, within the ankle joint, Škarabot, Beardsley and Štirn (2015) found improvements of dorsiflexion range of motion when using static stretching, to be more effective than foam rolling on plantar flexors. Although combined efforts saw slight improvements, foam rolling followed by static stretching was similar in range of motion than with static stretching alone, potentially due to additional stimulus on neuromuscular pathways (Škarabot et al., 2015). Duration and dose-response relationships still need more research to make solid suggestions.

Walsh (2017) found static stretching to decrease extension and flexion during concentric strength and thus should not be performed alone prior to strength training. Static stretching can be more effective when combined with other measures, like foam rolling. Islamoglu et al. (2016) found that the greatest levels of flexibility post-exercise were seen after 40 seconds of static stretching protocols. In further support, 60 seconds of static stretching provided the highest range of motion within the hamstrings, along with improvements being seen in 15 or 30 second increments for acute flexibility prior to exercise. Although, according to McGill and Montel (2019) static stretching (no longer than 60 seconds) can be used prior to strength training on specific areas, post exercise to encourage return of normal resting length, or prior to a workout followed by dynamic movements.

Dynamic stretching should be performed before exercise alone or after static stretching, or before maximal effort activities and should be similar in movement patterns (McGill & Montel, 2019). SMR could be used before or after exercise in addition to cool down techniques (McGill & Montel, 2019).


·         Static stretching should be done less than 60 seconds per stretch.

·         Static stretching is most beneficial for up to 40 seconds after, meaning it is great for short bursts of movement, or sprints etc…

·         Foam rolling is a great additive to static stretching as a cool down or recovery tool. (Before exercising it can be used for weightlifters if needing a little muscle manipulation prior to dynamic movements).

·         Stretches in general should mimic the movement you are about to achieve!

·         Static stretching is not the proper approach to a weight-lifting warm up.

Happy stretching FRF fam!

Stay tuned for more blog posts on dynamic stretching, pre-exercise warm-ups, and more!



Behm, D. G., Blazevich, A. J., Kay, A. D., & McHugh, M. (2016). Acute effects of muscle stretching on physical performance, range of motion, and injury incidence in healthy active individuals: a systematic review. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism41(1), 1-11.

Fairall, R. R., Cabell, L., Boergers, R. J., & Battaglia, F. (2017). Acute effects of self-myofascial release and stretching in overhead athletes with GIRD. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies21(3), 648-652.

Islamoglu, I., Atan, T., Unver, S., & Cavusoglu, G. (2016). Effects of different durations of static stretching on flexibility, jumping, speed and agility performance. The Anthropologist23(3), 454-461.

McGill, E.A., & Montel, I. (Eds.). (2019). NASM essentials of sports performance training. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Škarabot, J., Beardsley, C., & Štirn, I. (2015). Comparing the effects of self‐myofascial release with static stretching on ankle range‐of‐motion in adolescent athletes. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy10(2), 203.

Walsh, G. S. (2017). Effect of static and dynamic muscle stretching as part of warm up procedures on knee joint proprioception and strength. Human Movement Science55, 189-195.


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