7 Strength Training Tips for Busy Mamas

Whether you’re a SAHM, working mom, or somewhere in between, the struggles for finding time to strength train as a mama (and do so on a regular basis) is something we all go through!

You want to lose the pregnancy weight or feel stronger and healthier but it seems almost impossible with your never ending to-do list and daily demands.

Let’s not add in the never ending laundry (anyone else have several laundry baskets going at once?!)

Whatever your reasons are for wanting to move more and add strength training into your routine — you’re not alone.

Regular physical activity is associated with long-term health benefits such as:

  • improved cognitive function (aka good-bye mom brain),

  • reduced anxiety and depression,

  • improved quality of sleep, and

  • improved quality of life!

Even more so, the risk of many chronic diseases diminishes with long-term exercise and strength training!

I mean, how can we fill the cups around us if we aren’t filling ours first?

Here are our top seven tips for adding strength training (or any exercises routine for that matter) into your routine!

1. Make exercise a priority

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, ‘In order to make a change, you have to be willing to do something that you haven’t been doing.’ — Or something along those lines anyway, the point is, if you aren’t strength training, you need to start. Easy, right? Just like you brush your teeth twice a day (or at least we hope!), prioritize part of your routine to include strength training!

Make it a priority then make it apart of your daily/weekly routine.

2. Find the time to workout

So when can the magic happen? You don’t need hours at the gym. In fact, look at your daily schedule and find time that works for you. Are there places you can make adjustments? You’ll be surprised at how effective and efficient you can make workouts when on a time crunch! If your only options are early in the morning before the crew wakes up or later in the evenings when everyone is asleep, which would you prefer? Figure it out, then stick to it!

Our seasons of life change, so it makes sense that our schedules and routines will adjust as well. If something was working prior but isn’t now, it’s okay to reevaluate and readjust!

3. Figure out where and how you want to workout

Once you’ve determined where in your schedule to make time, decide how you want to strength train. Maybe it’s at a local gym or the floor of your living room. Whichever you decide, there is no one size fits all and no right or wrong answer. Do you need someone coaching you along the way? Don’t be afraid to try out different options! Group coaching (like our Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness Group) virtually might work for one mama while another needs a more 1:1 approach (like our 1:1 coaching program).

4. Have a plan…then a backup plan

Make goals, then make more specific goals. Be S.M.A.R.T. about your goals — aka, specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Instead of saying, ‘I am going to workout more,’ Try, ‘I am going to strength train for 20 minutes, twice a week, at 7am on Monday and Thursday mornings.’ See the difference?

Now create a ‘back-up’ to your plan because parenthood isn’t perfect and that’s okay! Things happen. Having a sick kiddo can change your day but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible! Be flexible (if you can) and maybe move your workout a day, or even a few hours. The point here is that it’s okay not to follow your plan 100% of the time. Don’t set yourself up for failure.

5. Keep track of your progress

Progress is a funny word when it comes to health and fitness. Tracking progress comes in many different forms and this is where you can get creative! Try printing a monthly calendar or writing down your days of strength training in a journal. What did you accomplish? Did you try some new weights? Looking back on previous days not only helps motivate you, but also shows you progress made from not the typical body weight measurement. Were you stressed on particular day? Did you sleep enough that night? Don’t over-complicate tracking progress either, sometimes a simple before/after picture in your favorite shirt works wonders!

6. Start slow, start small

Don’t go all in and expect to be functioning the next day. It took you this long to get wherever you are right now, so remember, it will take time to get to where you want to go. In an ideal world we would all be strength training five times a week, but is that realistic to your season of life right now? As with most of us, the answer is likely no — and that’s okay! Start with one day if that’s all you can dedicate right now. Then add a second, and so on and so forth. Only have 10 minutes? No problem! Roll with what you have and eventually you will be able to increase it. Remember, S.M.A.R.T. goals and turning this into a habit!

7. Give yourself grace

Nothing is perfect 100% of the time. We tend to beat ourselves down when it’s not perfect but allowing grace to flow into our strength training and every day lives is SO important. Remember, ANY strength training is better than none at all. Start where you are at and take it one day at a time. You’ve got this mama!

Still struggling to figure it out? Our group or 1:1 programs might be the best start for you!

The Prenatal and Postpartum Strength Training Group kicks off August 1st!


Balance and Plyometrics: Why you need BOTH.


Static Stretching: When, Where, Why, and How, a comparison of effects.